WELCOME to the
WEC hackathon
What is WEC Hackathon?
WEC Hackathon is the first hackathon for scholars in Osh. During two days you will code, brainstorm and create real projects to demonstrate your skill. During two days you will code, brainstorm and create real projects to demonstrate your skill. WEC Hackathon is the first hackathon for scholars in Osh. During two days you will code, brainstorm and create real projects to demonstrate your skill. During two days you will code, brainstorm and create real projects to demonstrate your skill.
Our events
Soon: 7
Soon: 7
Soon: 7
Soon: 7
Soon: 7
Our partners
Our mentors
Абдыкадыров Сыймык
Stack: Backend
Сыдыков Тариел
Stack: UX/UI Дизайн
Асаналиев Урмат
Stack: Android
Кенешбек уулу Актан
Stack: Frontend
Our contacts: +996(552)57-75-77